Alpacas On Campus
Fall 2006
$50,000 grant from MAAF for 5 years herd support.
Winter 2007
Herd established by donations from Knoblock family (7 alpacas) and Wilkins family (2 alpacas).
Winter 2007
Alpaca chute, weigh scale, and stall feeders donated by MAAF and installed for use in the VMTH.
Winter 2007
Dr. Anderson conducted ultrasound and handling training lab for veterinary students.
Winter 2007
Dr. Meredyth Jones assumed role as ‘herd veterinarian’ and established senior veterinary student activites.
- Herd Health Program
- Vaccination program
- Deworming program
- Reproduction program
Summer 2007
Daniel Linden organized and conducted shearing of all alpacas with the veterinary students and Dr. Jones.
Summer 2007
First Camelid Health Conference held for veterinarians August 10, 2007. This included a hands on training lab for vets for venipuncture, catherization, spinal tap, etc.
Summer 2007
First Camelid Neonatal Conference held for breeders August 11, 2007. This included a hands-on training lab for ultrasound of adults, medical care of crias, and a birthing lab.
Summer 2007
First Camelid Health Conference held for breeders August 12, 2007. This included a hands-on training lab for dental care, toe-nail maintenance, injection sites and techniques, etc.